Geo-Characterisation of Highway Construction Cost Drivers in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria- Juniper Publishers
Civil Engineering Research Journal- Juniper Publishers Introduction The Niger Delta is the 9th largest Delta in the world with an area of 19,135 square kilometres. It is one of the largest wetlands in Africa. The whole basin is dissected by numerous creeks, streams, marshes, and lagoons [1]. The terrain of most parts of the Niger Delta is characteristically poorly drained, from the inundation of the adjoining lowlands forming swamps and coastal islands. However, the upper northern limit of the Niger Delta, is characterized by tropical rainforest woodland (Figure 1). This is the zone with the most extensive dry land, and the population distribution is denser, with far larger settlements than other wetland zones. This heterogeneous configuration of the terrain thus has correspondingly varying geotechnical implications for highway development. The environmental condition of most parts of the Niger Delta makes the use of conventional pavement designs, materials and construction method...