Theory of Planned Behavior as a Model of Limit Mobile Phone use while Driving- Juniper Publishers
Civil Engineering Research Journal- Juniper Publishers Abstract Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is one of the most widely used psychological models when it comes to explaining road safety behaviors. Recently, studies have also been conducted from the perspective of dual-process models. However, the present is the first study on road safety behaviors that integrates both perspectives. The study evaluates the roles of both implicit attitudes and TPB constructs in the prediction of mobile phone use while driving. Method a sample of 100 drivers completed: (1) a self-reporting instrument on Mobile phone use while driving, (2) a questionnaire addressing TPB constructs, (3) an indirect measure of attitudes (Implicit Association Test), and (4) a social desirability scale. Results suggest that both types of attitudes make a significant and quite similar contribution to the explanation of Mobile phone use while driving. Interestingly, implicit attitudes were a better predictor than explic...