
Showing posts from February, 2020

Juniper Publishers: Oxidative Stress in Bacteria Measured by Flow Cyto...

Juniper Publishers: Oxidative Stress in Bacteria Measured by Flow Cyto... : Journal of Biotechnology & Microbiology - Juniper Publishers Abstract The CellROX® Deep Red flow cytometry kit (Life technologi...

Juniper Publishers: A Correlative Study of Individualization from Hier...

Juniper Publishers: A Correlative Study of Individualization from Hier... : Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation - Juniper Publishers Abstract Questioned documents which consists handwri...

Juniper Publishers: Death Drive In Psychoanalysis versus Existential P...

Juniper Publishers: Death Drive In Psychoanalysis versus Existential P... : Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Science - Juniper Publishers Introduction In Greek myth, the demon of death was the son of Nix...

Behavior of the Dry Bed Joint in the Mortarless Interlocking Masonry System: an Overview- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- journal of Civil Engineering Abstract Interlocking mortarless masonry has numerous benefits over the conventional masonry due to its ease of construction and higher compressive strength by virtue of absence of mortar joints. Dry contacting surfaces between the blocks play a major role on the performance of dry stack masonry. In this paper, Dry joint surface characteristics and close-up deformation properties of interlocking dry stack blocks and bricks were reviewed as well as the dry joint opening. It was observed that the contact area increases with increasing of the compressive load. It's concluded that the behavior of the interlocking mortaless system is extremely affected by the behavior of the contact surface and the dry joint under compressive loading. Therefore, further research related to dry surfaces contact and interface closure and opening characteristics under compressive loads is needed. Keywords: Interlocking; Masonry; Dry jo...

Green Construction: Analysis on Green and Sustainable Building Techniques- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Civil Engineering Abstract Green building concept, in broader terms, involves a building, which is designed, built, operated, maintained or reused with objectives to protect occupant health, improve employee productivity, use wisely natural resources and reduce the environmental impact .In other words the green building process incorporates environmental considerations into every stage of the building construction. This process focuses on the design, construction, operation and maintenance phases and takes into account the lot design and development efficiency, energy and water efficiency, resource efficiency, indoor environmental quality, building-owner maintenance and the building’s overall impact on the environment. The design of green buildings should thus begin with the selection and use of eco-friendly materials with related or better features than traditional building materials. Building materials are usually selected through f...

Organizational Effectiveness: Collaboration in an Integrated Project Team-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Civil Engineering Abstract Projects in the process industry are getting more complex from a technical as well as an organizational point of view. These projects can be considered as series of multi-phase and multi-discipline design and engineering activities involving contributions from many parties on many locations. In order to successfully perform such projects collaboration is required. This paper presents the results of studying a refinery revamp project. In this project the opportunity was offered to investigate the collaboration in the project team. Objective was to study the effectiveness of the organization in a multi-actor, multi-office and multi-discipline environment and identify potential areas for improving the collaboration. The method chosen was to study the business process model and combine this with a social network analysis (SNA) via observations, surveys and interviews. The differences shown in the comparison be...