
Showing posts from November, 2019

Juniper Publishers: Juniper Publishers| It’s time to be thankful to al...

Juniper Publishers: Juniper Publishers| It’s time to be thankful to al...

Further Thoughts on the Structural Efficiency of Suspension Bridges- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Civil Engineering Abstract Recent proposals for very long span bridges, such as those proposed for the Straights of Messina and Gibraltar, have reopened the questions as to which forms provide feasible solutions and within those forms what particular geometries will result in the most efficient solution - in terms of both material volume and cost? While these questions can now be approached using sophisticated optimization software it would seem that simple engineering reasoning still has much to offer. The following rehearses some simple analytical approaches to the question of assessing the relative efficiencies of different bridge geometries considered in an earlier paper and uses this approach to widen the discussion and address the issues of what parametric choices within each of these different geometric classes of bridge would provide the most materially efficient solution.It compares the material efficiency of the common...