
Showing posts from October, 2021

Juniper Publishers: Genetic Engineering of Solanum tuberosum L. to Enh...

Juniper Publishers: Genetic Engineering of Solanum tuberosum L. to Enh... :  JOJ Sciences - Juniper Publishers Abstract Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) today is the fifth most significant crop worldwide after wheat,...

Juniper Publishers: Gross and Histological Studies of Muscles of Fligh...

Juniper Publishers: Gross and Histological Studies of Muscles of Fligh... : Archives of Animal & Poultry Sciences - Juniper Publishers Abstract Gross and histological morphology and biometry of two muscles ...

Juniper Publishers: One Hundred Years Later and in a Warmer Climate – ...

Juniper Publishers: One Hundred Years Later and in a Warmer Climate – ... :  Ecology & Conservation Science: Open Access - Juniper Publishers   Abstract This paper accounts for a case of substantial transforma...

Geoid Modelling for Surveying Works Using Satellite Geo-Spatial Data- Juniper Publishers

 Civil Engineering Research Journal- Juniper Publishers   Introduction Nowadays fully three-dimensional positions - latitude, longitude and height are commonly provided by Global Positioning Systems (GPS) with WGS84 ellipsoid as a reference surface. The knowledge of terrain heights is very essential for several surveying and civil engineering works. The type of heights needed for such applications is a height above mean sea level (MSL), usually called orthometric height. A precise geoid model is required to transform GPS-based geodetic heights to orthometric height to allow such data to be directly used in surveying and civil engineering applications [1]. The process of geoid modelling can only be performed if dense networks of precise levelling or gravity and astronomical deflections of vertical are made available. Go to Objective The objective of this article is to formulate a local geoid model that would allow utilization of GNSS data in the fields of surveying and civil engineering

Settlements Preparation for Future Progress in Vehicles- Juniper Publishers

 Civil Engineering Research Journal- Juniper Publishers Introduction The settlements infrastructure development, aimed at satisfying, first, the needs of motorists, is accompanied by powerful negative changes in the conditions of human life [1]. Recently, more and more researchers of transport planning use the term «Automobile Dependency» [2]. In developed countries, alternative vehicles are becoming increasingly popular - individual (for 1 or 2 people) eco-friendly (do not harm the environment) vehicles [3]. This article discusses the principles of creating infrastructure for the movement of IEVF (the most common of which is currently a bicycle) into the street and road network of settlements. Go to Discussion World experience shows that even investing heavily in the road network development, the solution of road transport services complex problems, it is impossible to solve the problem of transportation in large cities by providing comfortable movement of cars. Not by chance the best