The Selection of Suitable Boundary Conditions for Finite Element Simulations of Deep Tunnels- Juniper Publishers
Civil Engineering Research Journal- Juniper Publishers Abstract In finite element simulations of deep tunnels an appropriate selection of the boundary conditions at the border of the model is important. Commonly, a system with vertically and horizontally fixed boundaries is used for finite element calculations of deep tunnels. In the contribution the shortcomings of this assumption will be explained and the requirements to the model size, which should be considered for this type of boundary conditions, are discussed. An alternative approach is also presented, which is derived from a commonly used approach for c and has been adapted to deep tunnels. Go to Mini Review We speak of deep tunnels if the overburden height is much larger than the other dimensions of the model and therefore it is not possible or useful to model the whole soil or rock mass located above the tunnel. Moreover, the variation of the overburden stress level in the zone of the tunnel is insignificant compa...