
Showing posts from November, 2020

Juniper Publishers: Effects of the Origin on the Composition of Biohyd...

Juniper Publishers: Effects of the Origin on the Composition of Biohyd... :  Juniper Online Journal Material Science - Juniper Publishers   Abstract The objective of this work is to investigate the influence of th...

Juniper Publishers: Melatonin Inhibitory Effects on Forming Brain Tumo...

Juniper Publishers: Melatonin Inhibitory Effects on Forming Brain Tumo... :  Endocrinology and Thyroid Research - Juniper Publishers Abstract Melatonin is a neurohormone secreted by the pineal and extra pineal org...

Juniper Publishers: Eggplant Calyx the Newest Alternative Cure for Lei...

Juniper Publishers: Eggplant Calyx the Newest Alternative Cure for Lei... :  Journal of Public Health - Juniper Publishers  Abstract For centuries, extracts from plants have been used as folk remedies against var...

Juniper Publishers: Triage System and Emergency Pediatric Medical Care...

Juniper Publishers: Triage System and Emergency Pediatric Medical Care... :  Global Journal of Nanomedicine - Juniper Publishers    Abstract Triage system is a process that is critical to the effective management...

Juniper Publishers: Kahneman’s Ideas Applied to Dementia: Understandin...

Juniper Publishers: Kahneman’s Ideas Applied to Dementia: Understandin... :   Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine - Juniper Publishers Introduction As clinicians it is not only important to know which clinical i...

Desalination in Qatar: Present Status and Future Prospects-Juniper Publishers

  Civil Engineering Research Journal Abstract The world depends on water to sustain life and cater to development. Gulf region is among the most arid environments of the world with no natural water resource, minimum to no rainfall. Complete water requirement is fulfilled by seawater desalination. With increasing urbanization, population growth and increase in standard of living increases the requirement of clean water dramatically. In this paper review the current status and shift of trend in seawater desalination will be discussed about Qatar with reference to the Gulf countries. Qatar is blessed with unprecedented natural gas and oil reserves and the least amount of water available per capita and highest per capita CO2 emission. Water desalination and clean water has been identified as one of the major challenges in Qatar National Vison 2030. As Qatar economy is based on seawater desalination to overcome the water shortages, reduce the carbon footprint, preparation for 2022 FIFA ...

The Impact of Climate Change on a Residential Housing, in terms of Interior Thermal Comfort and Energy Consumption-Juniper Publishers

   Civil Engineering Research Journal Abstract The residential housing should provide a comfortable indoor environment that should be reasonably assured regardless of the weather fluctuations from outside. The exterior climate together with the architectural design and materials of residential housing in a suburban area in the Municipality of Juarez, Nuevo León, Mexico and the construction system determined by the thermal performance and the ability to offer comfortable conditions to the user. Depending on the comfort zone and its temperature of the study with a model of hourly variation of the comfortable limits that would have thermal advantages, some of them related to the studies on climate adaptation in residential housing. To identify the effects of each constructive variable on environmental comfort or on the energy efficiency of residential housing in the Municipality of Juárez, Nuevo León. The research objective is to determine in the indoor environment the critical s...

Study of Structure Oscillations Under One-component Kinematic Effect-Juniper Publishers

   Civil Engineering Research Journal Abstract Mathematical statement, methods and algorithm to solve the problem of steady-state forced vibrations of a structure are given in the paper using spatial model with account of viscoelastic properties of material of various structures and their elements under one-component kinematic effect. The results of study of earth structure oscillations under one-component kinematic effect are presented. It is stated that: A. for the structures under consideration in dynamic calculations it is desirable to use a spatial model; B. viscoelastic properties of soil under the load effect slightly reduce the amplitude of oscillations, and after effect cessation these properties lead to a sharp attenuation of structure oscillations. Keywords:  Earth structure; One-component effect; Dynamic calculation; Resonance; Attenuation; Viscoelastic properties of soil; Plane and spatial models Go to Introduction Studies have shown that for reliable investi...