
Showing posts from July, 2022

Public Transportation on the Era of Autonomous Vehicles: Exploring Different Scenarios-Juniper Publishers

 Civil Engineering Research Journal- Juniper Publishers Abstract Research on vehicle automation has launched many years ago. Over the last decade, autonomous vehicles (AVs) have witnessed tremendous improvement because of the significant effort dedicated to AVs from both research and industry. Despite the enthusiastic speculation of AVs, little is known about the influence of vehicle automation on the public transit service. Thus, the main goal of this paper is to investigate and explore the implications of vehicle automation on the shape of public transit. In this paper three scenarios of AVs adoption are explored: autonomous vehicles are used for the entire trip (AV as a competitor to the public transportation), integrated AVs with the current public transit system (AVs are used to solve the first mile last mile problem to increase the attractive ness of the transit service), and fully autonomous buses. Finally, results show that a combination between scenario two and three is th...

Impact of Geometry and Traffic on Urban Arterial Accidents-Juniper Publishers

 Civil Engineering Research Journal- Juniper Publishers Abstract Major urban arterial streets in large cities are experienced a serious traffic accident problem. This study attempts to investigate the possible effect of traffic volumes and arterial geometry on traffic accidents, where arterials in Amman city were selected as a case study. Based on a set of predefined criteria, eight major urban arterial segments were selected. The number of traffic accidents and traffic volumes were obtained from the Public Security Directorate and Greater Amman Municipality, respectively, for the period from 2015 to 2017. Other geometric and operational data were obtained through field survey. The total sample sizes for daily and hourly accidents consisted of 1407 and 33768 observations, respectively. Negative Binomial regression model was used to investigate the impact of urban arterial traffic volumes and geometric design variables such as, segment length, number of horizontal curves, lane width...

Climatic Conditions and Experience of Operation of Port Facilities on Sakhalin Island- Juniper Publishers

 Civil Engineering Research Journal- Juniper Publishers Abstract The article provides an analysis of the operating conditions of port facilities in heavy hydrometeorological conditions on the coast of Sakhalin Island to establish durability characteristics for the development of design life models. Typical types of concrete destruction in the zone of variable level are considered. The directions of research in the field of forecasting the durability of concrete and reinforced concrete structures for seaport facilities on actual durability characteristics are outlined. Keywords: Concrete; Durability; Sea port facilities Go to Introduction The modern design concept of construction facilities according to operational characteristics implies a variable approach to the assignment of requirements to structures and materials for structures, which should guarantee the predicted service life while maintaining the economic feasibility of the service life [1]. The principle of this design app...

Parking Demand for Elementary & Secondary Schools in Jordan- Juniper Publishers

 Civil Engineering Research Journal - Juniper Publishers Abstract This study aimed at investigating parking demand at elementary and secondary schools in Irbid city; the second largest city in Jordan, to identify the main influencing factors, and develop models to predict future demand based on local conditions. The major considered factors included school area, number of students, number of teachers, number of classrooms, gender of students, education level (elementary, secondary), and school ownership (public, private). A total of 118 different types of schools were surveyed from different areas in Irbid City. The required field data were collected on regular weekdays by field surveys and manual counting for the total number of parked vehicles and the variation during the schools working hours, while schools descriptive information’s were obtained from the directorate of education in Irbid city. Peak demand models for different types of schools were developed using multiple linea...